Välkommen till Risen24!

The cross and the empty tomb are the center of the Christian faith. If Jesus did not die, there would be no forgiveness and if Jesus did not rise, we would be completely without hope. "But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead" - 1 Kor 15:20a

What does it mean for us in everyday life? When our own lives and the world around us are filled with different stories, thoughts and perspectives that are in direct conflict with the message of the cross.

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
John 4:23

What then does it mean to be true and to worship God in a world so far from Him. We want to explore that together with you, both in preaching, praise, seminars, fun activities and fellowship with each other.



Samantha and David are married and live in Umeå with their sons Samuel and Elias. Samantha (Sam) works on weekdays as a school pastor at Umeå Folk High School and also studies the master's program at ALT. David works as a teacher, biblical scholar and director of studies at ALT in Umeå. Sam originally comes from England, and David from Örebro.

They say:

"We're very much looking forward to participating in the Risen conference! Easter is a fantastic holiday and we hope that we will have many opportunities to meet God together, in different ways, where we are: from the pain of Good Friday, through the hopeful waiting of Easter Eve and so all the way to the joy of resurrection on Easter Sunday. We will share what God has placed in our lives—Samantha's experience of losing her voice as a worship leader, and David's deep dives into the Old Testament and Psalms—and have great anticipation for what God wants to do through His Spirit. Hope to see you there!”

Vi ser fram emot att träffa dig och dem under påsken.


Maundry Thursday march 28th 
7 PM The Lord's Supper in Brukskyrkan, Ursviken

Good Friday march 29th
1 PM Youth Activity, registration is required
4 PM Good Friday Service
6:30 PM Service
9 PM Youth Activity in Balderhallen
10 PM Hang out, youth

Holy Saturday march 30th
8.30 AM Breakfast for overnight guests
10 AM Moring with Jesus
11 AM Youth Activity in town
2 PM Seminar / Children's activity
4 PM Easter dinner, registration is required
6:30 PM Evening Service in english
8 PM Music café & Panel Discussion
Youth hang out in the basement
Worship before the cross

Easter Sunday march 31th
8.30 AM Breakfast for overnight guests
11 AM Easter Service /Children's activities



Anmälan är tyvärr stängd.

How fun that you, as a child, celebrate Easter with us! 

A warm welcome to all children to our Easter conference Risen. We have some collections of our own for you, while you can leave your adults at adult collections. If you are under 4 years old, however, you need to bring your adult with you to the children's gathering

Good Friday march 29th
4 PM Children's gathering after a joint start in the Good Friday service

Holy Saturday march 30th
2 PM Children's activity and seminars
4 PM Easter dinner for all ages. Registration and advance purchase of tickets is required by March 24.

Easter Sunday march 31th
11 AM Children's gathering after the joint start of the service

Throughout the conference, there will be a children's corner with crafts and painting materials, etc.

Come and celebrate Easter with us at Risen24!

For the second year, the Pentecostal Church in Skellefteå and the Brukskyrkan in Ursviken organize an Easter conference. This year, we want to invest extra in you who are teenagers. So get together with your youth group and sign up for the Easter event in 2024!

The conference "Risen" started based on a need to place the Easter weekend in an important place in our Christian life. It's so easy to let Easter just be a nice weekend off and a day off from school. But it is so much more! Therefore, with "The Rise", we want to put Jesus, the cross and the empty tomb at the center of our lives.

We start with Boda Borg 1 PM on Friday the 29th and continue with awesome gatherings and activities all weekend! It is possible to stay overnight from Friday to Sunday (breakfast included) and to have a joint Easter dinner on Saturday.

Anmälan är tyvärr stängd.